

Something went wrong with my WordPress upgrade, and I was still trying to sort it out when my computer died, and that took several hours to rescue (and involved reformatting the hard drive, reinstalling the system and restoring my files from a backup)… so I still haven’t sorted this blog yet. I don’t have access to the admin pages. If you’re reading this it means I’ve managed to post via the iPhone app, but the advent calendar is on hold for the moment. What larks.

EDIT: well, the good news is that I can get back into the admin area of the blog, the bad news is that I didn’t wait and check plugin compatibility properly, and one of the key plugins I use, Simple Tags, is currently borked. Hence the error message below. But I think sorting that out can wait until tomorrow.

EDIT: the Simple Tags problem solved! Yay! After about 20 hours of doing my own tech support, I’m almost back to where I was yesterday at lunchtime.

3 replies on “Housekeeping”

Glad you got it solved, but I must admit I’m slightly spooked about upgrading via Negativa now. I upgraded my six other sites without a hitch, but none of them use a a quarter of the plugins I use at VN.

The plugin problem turned out to be just because the plugin author had hard-coded into the plugin which versions of WordPress it would work with; so nothing particularly to do with changes to the way WordPress works. I just had to edit half a line of php. All the others seem to have kept working seamlessly.

The original problem was one I hadn’t seen before but I gathered while trying to solve it that it’s not a specific problem with 2.9 either — it sometimes happens when something gets confused in the upgrade, and the wrong bit of information gets stored somewhere.

So I may have just been unlucky. If you want to be super-careful, I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but the plugin repository at now has a helpful indicator of compatibility on each plugin page. So that’s good.

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