Fabber than it sounds.
à la Lomo: ‘the Fujipet (フジペット) camera, made from 1957 to 1963. The Fujipet is considered a “toy camera.” … the body is made of plastic and aluminum and is quite sturdy, but most of these cameras sport a plastic lens.’ via Coudal
‘America’s Favorite Architecture is the result of an AIA and Harris Interactive poll of 1,800 Americans naming their 150 favorite structures across the nation based on nominations from AIA member architects.’
‘Hop away toads, you’ve lost your title as the world’s strongest animal. That honour now passes to the giant palm salamander Bolitoglossa dofleini, whose tongue explodes outward with more instantaneous power than any other known vertebrate muscle.’
In 1977 Albert Kaplan purchased the daguerreotype receipted as “Portrait of a Young Man” from an art gallery in New York. “When I saw it I thought that there were similarities between the daguerreotype, and my mental image of President Lincoln.”
‘I really can’t explain why I find the restaurant coffee cup so compelling’ via Coudal.
Just remarkable photography – Spend some time browsing through them. Via cityofsound.
‘They have found that the worm manipulates the sense of smell of its intermediate host, the amphipod. As a result, the infected shrimp is attracted to the odour of fish that prey on it.’
“The two countries perform the war dance before the rugby match.”
New multitouch display demo. Somehow or other, this is surely the future.
‘the site is intended to provide a brief history of the office as a specialised building type and to be a kind of manual that provides a vocabulary of words and concepts from which the Arts Council England office project can emerge.’ via gravestmor
‘Over 4000 years ago, prehistoric chimpanzees were using stone tools to smash nuts in the west African rainforest, a new study suggests. The discovery […] could indicate we share a common tool-wielding ancestor with them.’
“The $65 million camp is a sprawling squat of inflatable domes plopped down on top of massive concrete slabs. It is the largest camp in the U.S. federal system’s archipelago of immigration detention”