Culture Me

New section: Music & Books

If you’re very observant, you may noticed a new link in the sidebar: Music and Books. I’ve been gradually tweaking it to my satisfaction, and you can now not only see a list of the ten most recent songs I’ve listened to and the ten most recent books I’ve read, but click through to see my profile on, reviews of the books, and a sort of bookshelf of all the books I’ve read since installing it. Since I’ve only read four books so far, the ‘bookshelf’ hasn’t really come into its own yet.

I have to admit that if I was criticising this particular design work done by someone else, I’d suggest that the navigation possibilities were a bit opaque, but it’s my party and I’ll make the links difficult to find if I want to.

None of this is currently working unless you’re using the Scallop theme. I’ll probably edit the other themes accordingly in due course. Or just turn the theme switcher off, to save myself these kind of compatibility headaches.

2 replies on “New section: Music & Books”

If I were to list what I’ve been listening to and what I’ve been reading, I’d shame myself.

My taste, apparently, is fairly catholic in both cases. No; in books, it’s just north of trashy.

Genre novels all the way.

I actually haven’t been reading at all much recently, thanks to the time-sucking power of the internet. One objective of doing this is to provide an incentive to read more. Lord knows I’ve got enough unread books lying around the place.

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