‘J.L.A. is a website for those people who are obsessed with Caribbean music and the artwork and design of the labels on the vinyl reproductions of that music.’ via Metafilter
‘Catchiest Tunes of Sweden 2006 – Chris and I have chosen 11 of our favourite songs from last year, and you may download the album and spread it. Swedish music needs to be heard.’ Some great stuff for those who like their pop poppy.
‘Our first foray into international graphic writing finds work antic and sober, documentary and fanciful, all combining words and images to singular narrative effect.’ Comics in translation.
‘All Tintin cars. Pictures sorted by album, chronologically. The © indicates there is an original photo of the car.’ via Metafilter
‘Many modern cars could reduce fuel consumption by 2.6% simply by uploading new software to the engine’s computer, a Dutch scientist claims.’
‘Refrigerated warehouses might soon be used to store not just food, but gigawatts of electricity… They would buffer swings in supply and demand from electricity created from renewable sources.’
‘This year is not specifically about website design! It’s about who have forefronted, one way or another, the creative disciplines.’