via BLDGBLOG: ‘The 11,700 acres allocated for [the planned city] Centennial are part of Tejon Ranch, one of the last great California ranches. Comprising more than 270,000 acres, or 426 square miles, the ranch is roughly 1/3 the size of Rhode Island.’
Khoi Vinh runs through a hypothetical example of grid-based design for a Yahoo!-type website.
‘…. but an example of how species emerge. And this is not just a newly discovered species (indeed, not that new, it was discovered a few years ago). It is a species that is believed to have evolved recently as well. And it’s a North American Bird.’
‘Photography wasn’t the obvious subject to teach at Governor Morehead School for the Blind.’
“Walking through the halls of the convention, it is easy to see the genesis of tactics deployed in the Florida recount and by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Republicans learn how to fight hard against Democrats by practicing on one another first.”
via languagehat: ‘The following is a list of speakers that Joseph Sargent Hall interviewed in the Great Smoky Mountains in 1939. The page for each speaker contains one or more excerpts from the interview including a transcript and sound file.’