A measles outbreak in Lewisham. Anti-vaccine campaigners: I hope you all feel proud of yourselves.
‘Moses wen figga, mo betta he stick wit God’s peopo, an suffa plenny wit dem, den he do da bad kine stuff dat feel good, but no last. (Da Letta Fo Da Hebrew Peopo 11:25)’ The bible in Hawaii pidgin. I feel guilty for finding this funny. But only a bit.
Fascinating personal reminiscence about writing the Atari version of Donkey Kong 1982.
5 replies on “Links”
God, you guys have those anxi-vax nutters, too? Grr.
Yup. Not least because of some shockingly irresponsible ‘journalism’ in major national newspapers.
Every parent in the borough had a letter home, whether that’ll be enough to undo the damage done I’m far from certain.
I think once an idea like ‘vaccinations cause autism’ has got hold in the public’s mind, it’s always going to be a long job persuading them otherwise.
den he do da bad kine stuff dat feel good, but no last.
Eliot Spitzer anyone?