‘One of my frustrations with contemporary photographic technique, mine included, is the feeling of sterility. Digital processes have become so sophisticated that nearly every picture you see is dusted and anti-scratched to a state of frozen perfection.’
via Circus of the Spineless: ‘Two months ago, March 9th, Bev posted this question at Burning Silo: How many of you are nervous of spiders?… In the comments, I promised a story. I’m finally getting around to it.’
“The London 2012 logo was revealed yesterday, and it seems to be almost universally loathed… Just like you, our first reaction was shock. But we talked about it all morning. By 3pm, we decided we love it, and here are ten reasons why you should, too.”
via The Tofu Hut, a devastating argument against the logic of evolution. It’s like the scales have fallen from my eyes.
via The Tofu Hut: ‘Its my love of the carniceria store paintings. I’ve always had a fascination with them ever since I was a little kid… Taco stands, bars and restaurants will make there way on this site as well.’
“it is a momentous occasion when you wake up to a buzzing design community eager to talk about a logo… I even woke up to fifteen e-mails with the same subject line: Olympic logo of London 2012.” For the comments as well as the post.
via Coudal: “As if you need another reason to love Iggy Pop, the veteran rocker (and his band The Stooges) have the single most entertaining concert rider TSG has ever obtained.”