Daily Links


  • Cool toy: 'PhotoSketch is an internet-based program that can take the rough, labeled sketch on the left and automagically turn it into the naff montage on the right.'
    ( tags: cool geeky photography )
  • 'A spectacular and extremely rare textile, woven from golden-colored silk thread produced by more than one million spiders in Madagascar … measuring 11 feet by 4 feet, took four years to make using a painstaking technique developed more than 100 years ago.

    This unique textile was created drawing on the legacy of a French missionary, Jacob Paul Camboué, who worked with spiders in Madagascar in the 1880s and 1890s…. Previously, the only known spider-silk textile of note was exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900, and it was subsequently lost.'

    ( tags: silk weaving textiles spiders Madagascar )
Daily Links


Daily Links


  • 'sara and i passed this house, and were both like, "what the hell? STOP THE CAR."… it turns out she'd made all of these wooden simpsons cutouts herself, from scratch, as a surprise for her son who was graduating from high school.'
    ( tags: NovaScotia Simpsons cool )