Via Pharyngula, Flickr set of the week is Paleontology by Goniagnostus.
Probolichas FH lg, originally uploaded by Goniagnostus.
Via Pharyngula, Flickr set of the week is Paleontology by Goniagnostus.
Probolichas FH lg, originally uploaded by Goniagnostus.
Via 30gms: Flickr set of the week is Bending Light by Alan Jaras.
These are photograms, taken by capturing light directly on 35mm film—i.e. without any lenses or anything—and record the refraction patterns made by light passing through glass and other transparent objects.
Shrouded in Light, originally uploaded by Reciprocity.
Creation in Red, originally uploaded by Reciprocity.
Flickr Set of the Week is rayguns (intergalactic self-defense mechanisms) by lockwasher. Who says:
I started putting these intergalactic self-defense mechanisms (ray guns) together after being totally inspired by Clayton Bailey, artist/gunsmith. I also draw inspiration from old 50’s and 60’s space movies/TV/toys…anything retro cool! I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I did creating them. Stay tuned, I have about 15 or so that I’ve already completed but have yet to load up and depending on what kind of stuff I find, I can usually crank out a couple of these a month.
air juicer ray gun, originally uploaded by Lockwasher.
hitman of the party ray gun, originally uploaded by Lockwasher.
Cool though those are, I’m getting bored of FSotW. It’s not as entertaining as Mask of the Week used to be. Hmm. Might need to think of something else.
Flickr set of the week is Inverkip Power Station by Dazzababes.
Inverkip Power Station is an oil fired power station built in the 1970’s which, by the time of completion, was already uneconomical to run owing to the rising cost of oil.
It only reached peak capacity during the miners strike of 1984 and has lain disused since it was mothballed as a strategic reserve in 1988.Plans are underway for the dismantling of the plant, although no decision has been reached as to a subsequent use for the site.
Inverkip Power Station – Control Room, originally uploaded by Dazzababes.
Inverkip Power Station, originally uploaded by Dazzababes.
Inverkip Power Station, originally uploaded by Dazzababes.
Flickr set of the week is Old Disneyland by Tom Simpson: “Pictures from its construction and first few years of operation.”
Flickr set of the week is Letter S by Leo Reynolds. He also has sets for the other letters and numbers.
These photos are available under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa license.