I promise not to spend too much time posting stuff from YouTube, but I thought this was amazing:
I promise not to spend too much time posting stuff from YouTube, but I thought this was amazing:
And if you want more James Brown goodness, check out James Brown Olympia 1966.
At PFFA a while back, Melanie was complaining about a ‘best of the 70s’ compilation thtat was all one-hit wonders and disco. And how there was a lack of ‘Skynyrd, Doobies, CCR, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, Aerosmith… [list of overblown guitar-rock acts continued for half a dozen more names]’. As though Skynyrd ever made a piece of music as good as this:
or indeed this:
A cool thing from the people at Digitally Distributed Environments:
See the whole panorama here.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic juggles chewing gum.
(via Släpkoppel)
A flukey goal; a flukey hole in one; and a freakish cricket shot.