Yet another leaflet through the door, this one from the Conservatives, folded so that on one side it says, in great big shouty letters:
on the other side, it quotes the Lib Dem leaflet as saying
with a big arrow pointing at the quote and in even shoutier all-caps:
The leaflet points out, accurately enough, that it isn’t true, and quotes the Conservative candidate, who is of course outraged by this:
“I got involved in politics because I was tired of dishonest politicians. At a time when we desparately need to restore trust in politics, it is a shame that my opponents seem intent on misleading people and using dirty tactics.”
“What does this say about them? How will they behave if elected?”
All of which would be very reasonable, if she hadn’t put her own leaflet through my door with this quote on it:
Which is exactly the same kind of blatant attempt to mislead the voter. The hypocrisy of it is breathtaking, and frankly they should all be ashamed of themselves.
A pox on all their houses. This kind of crap is exactly why we need electoral reform.
One reply on “FPTP makes politicians lie to us (hypocrisy update)”
Its the politicians who make laws re: truth in advertising. They, no doubt, excluded themselves on this, too.