Flickr set of the week is Polaroids, by anniebee. They’re polaroids (obviously)
mainly taken in New York. I really like these – do check out the whole set. Particularly, but not only, the glorious ones of Coney Island.
Tag: Flickr set of the week
FSotW: My Happy Soviet Childhood
Flickr set of the week is My Happy Soviet Childhood by Freedom Toast.
EDIT: Oh crap, there’s always something, isn’t there. Why can’t any two browsers render the same bit of code in the same way? I don’t want borders under my linked images, you stupid machine.
EDIT LATER: Well, I’ve come up with a solution that works on every browser I’ve tested except Opera. I think I’m willing to accept that 1.1% of my visitors are just going to have to put up with it. Hell, my new version even looks slightly better on the older versions of IE which fail to display dotted borders properly.
FSotW: Doorbell Instructions
Flickr set of the week is Doorbell Instructions by, of all people, Dave Gorman.
“When the presence of a doorbell isn’t enough and instructions are deemed necessary.”
FsotW: zoomify
FSotW: Heavy Metal Concert Flyers
Flickr set of the fortnight, really, since I forgot last week. Anyway, it’s Heavy Metal Concert Flyers by quibx. From the old days before computers when people actually did these things with a felt-tip pen and a photocopier. It would be hard to claim that any of the results are lost design classics, but I do like some of the idiosyncratic details. Like “former Fate’s Warning members”:
And what’s not to love about a tag-line like “George Bush, Dan Quayle, and The P.M.R.C. all hate RANCID FOETUS”:
And Heavy Metal Design Rule #1 is of course, that you can never go wrong with a skull motif:
FSotW: Katrina Damage
Flickr set of the week this week is Katrina Damage by jsdart.
“these images were shot in November 2006 over a year after the hurricane”