Daily Links


  • 'In the 1980s video cassette technology made it possible for “mobile cinema” operators in Ghana to travel from town to town and village to village creating temporary cinemas. The touring film group would create a theatre by hooking up a TV and VCR onto a portable generator and playing the films for the people to see.

    In order to promote these showings, artists were hired to paint large posters of the films (usually on used canvas flour sacks). The artists were given the artistic freedom to paint the posters as they desired – often adding elements that weren’t in the actual films, or without even having seen the movies.'

    ( tags: Ghana Africa film posters )
  • More amusing cover-design madness from a POD company that does overpriced editions of books that are out of copyright.
    ( tags: books covers )
Daily Links


Daily Links



FSotW: Heavy Metal Concert Flyers

Flickr set of the fortnight, really, since I forgot last week. Anyway, it’s Heavy Metal Concert Flyers by quibx. From the old days before computers when people actually did these things with a felt-tip pen and a photocopier. It would be hard to claim that any of the results are lost design classics, but I do like some of the idiosyncratic details. Like “former Fate’s Warning members”:

And what’s not to love about a tag-line like “George Bush, Dan Quayle, and The P.M.R.C. all hate RANCID FOETUS”:

And Heavy Metal Design Rule #1 is of course, that you can never go wrong with a skull motif:

Culture Other

FSotW: USSR Posters

Flickr set of the week is USSR Posters, an absolutely staggering collection of 1,469 “Russian and/or Soviet propaganda & advert posters [1917-1991]” put on Flickr by bpx. I’ve only had a chance to dip into them, but here’s a few to give you a taste:

The same person has an even larger selection of WWII posters which might well be FSotW another time. It certainly deserves its own post.