Flickr set of the week is How To Make Paper by B_Zedan. There’s a whole 41 picture set showing the process in stages, so here’s just one of them.

Flickr set of the week is How To Make Paper by B_Zedan. There’s a whole 41 picture set showing the process in stages, so here’s just one of them.
The Flickr set of the week is Experimental by drupel. There are a couple of other things in the set, but what appealed to me were the shots of video feedback, created by pointing a video camera at a TV set. If you see what I mean.
Flickr set of the week is sleazy reads by trevira. I particularly love the tagline on the second one.
Flickr set of the week is Backyard Biodiversity: Bichos by Crfullmoon, which is “A species survey in progress of “little beasts” on my property in Massachusetts in North America.” Here’s just a couple of the 307 photos.
Those are available under a by:nc:nd Creative Commons license, but most of the set seems to be fully ©.
Today’s Flickr set of the week is Red Brick Wall. Admirably single-minded, I thought.