Well, it’s not actually a meme unless anyone copies the idea, but hey-ho. Or at least, I guess technically it still is a meme, just an unsuccessful one. Don’t get me started on evolutionary theory.
Search Flickr for photos tagged with your first name. View them ordered as ‘most interesting’. Post the most interesting photo to your blog. The most interesting photo tagged with ‘Harry’ is a Dutch cuckooflower:
Free bit of trivia – cuckooflower is also known as ‘milkmaid’ or ‘ladies smock’.
9 replies on “Flickr interesting photo meme”
Done. Meme successful.
Woohoo! Fly free, little meme.
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The leaves of the Cuckoo flower are one of the tastiest things you can find in a summer meadow.
I thoroughly recommend that you try it.
Now I didn’t know that; I guess I’ve missed my opportunity for this year. We must eat a ludicrously small proportion of the possible species. And yet people still bother to grow turnips and chicory for food.
I would likewise recommend hawthorn and beech leaves in the spring, ransoms, jack-by-the-hedge and wild spinach.
None of which you could possibly make a substantial meal of, but all good for a wayside nibble.
I knew about wild garlic and hawthorn. Didn’t know that about beech, and I don’t think I even know what jack-by-the-hedge and wild spinach look like.
You can see jack-by-the-hedge here:
and wild spinach here: