'Then I realized that ocean love and mocking sexist bullshit are two great tastes that taste great together.'
via things magazine, some genuinely brilliant photos of people out on the piss in Cardiff.
Tag: Flickr
Fun tool: 'We extracted the colours from 10 million of the most “interesting” Creative Commons images on Flickr. Using our visual similarity technology you can navigate the collection by colour.'
Good news from the BBC. I like a lot of Banksy's work: he's a witty satirist. But he's not the second coming of Botticelli, and we need to nip in the bud the idea that his work is so artistically important that it should be preserved at all costs.
A sphinx. There are loads of cool 1900s lantern slides of Egypt uploaded by the Brooklyn museum. Check out the Paris exposition ones as well. via things magazine.
Major geek porn: 'the 10 kilometer-wide crater Heimdall lies on the north polar plains of Mars… the bright spot is the Phoenix lander parachuting toward the surface. The picture was captured on camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.'
Wales photos
I’ve uploaded a set of photos from Welsh trip to Flickr. Here’s one of them, a singing whitethroat:
I somewhat felt the lack of a wide-angle lens, with all that scenery all over the place, and I’ve held back some of the best ones for my photoblog Clouded Drab (there’s a couple already posted), but I hope you can find some you like. Over the next week or so I’ll decide which others to post to Clouded Drab and post the ones which don’t make the cut to Flickr.
Posy in the wastepaper basket
Playing with Flickr
Pictures found in the most recent photos stream on Flickr.
» 光に向かって, originally uploaded by 2 Funky. ³£«Ü¤j°¦., originally uploaded by Do as what you want. DSCF3779, originally uploaded by shadowstw.