
searchy searchy

search engine queries this month include:

david cameron t-shirt
australia lose again
easy fire poems
london subcultures
who wrote the albatross poem?
songs about going on holiday
strange pictures public domain
kinds of conflicts emerge in the collaborative writing of wikis?
man faring needy


Baby hair

I got my hair cut today, and not only did the barbress repeat the comment she made last time about how I obviously didn’t smoke; this time she commented that my hair was ‘like baby hair’.

This is not a picture of me:

Bed Head

Originally uploaded by HapaKorean.

Me Other

For a short time only – valid XHTML *and* CSS!

It’s not that I go out of my way to use non-standards compliant HTML or CSS, but some of the specs seem pretty petty (tags must be lower case, img tags must have an ‘alt’ quality, you have to close your break tags), so I certainly can’t guarantee that the site will remain valid for long. And I’ve only checked the front page. But, just at the moment, the front page does validate both for XHTML and CSS.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about – it’s not important.

Me Other

New design for the blog

As should be pretty obvious, I’ve re-designed the blog. Again. If it looks peculiar on your computer, let me know. I’ve pretty much decided not to make the extra effort to make the site work on early versions of Internet Explorer, but if it’s not looking right on IE6 I might need to do something about it.

Can I just say how fucking annoying it is that CSS doesn’t seem to support blocks where the bottom is defined relative to the bottom of the webpage (i.e. the document rather than the screen).

The swifts are taken from this picture on Flickr.

Culture Me Other

Flickr interesting photo meme

Well, it’s not actually a meme unless anyone copies the idea, but hey-ho. Or at least, I guess technically it still is a meme, just an unsuccessful one. Don’t get me started on evolutionary theory.

Search Flickr for photos tagged with your first name. View them ordered as ‘most interesting’. Post the most interesting photo to your blog. The most interesting photo tagged with ‘Harry’ is a Dutch cuckooflower:


Free bit of trivia – cuckooflower is also known as ‘milkmaid’ or ‘ladies smock’.

Me Other

Self portrait (revised)

Well, I’ve managed to de-purple it and worked it up a bit. I think the result has a bit more three-dimensionality to it, but I’m not sure it’s any better, exactly. I think it looks even less like me, for a start – apart from the non-purple skin, obviously. Still, it’s all a learning process.

[self portrait - not purple any more, but a bit of a mess anyway]