Flickr set of the week is Stereographic Projections by Seb Przd. I don’t understand the details of how these are made, but he starts with a panorama and applies some kind of mathematical wizardry to it. As always, click on one of the photos to go to the page on Flickr.
Tag: photography
Flickr set of the week is Polaroids, by anniebee. They’re polaroids (obviously)
mainly taken in New York. I really like these – do check out the whole set. Particularly, but not only, the glorious ones of Coney Island.
I finally got round to uploading some photos from the Galapagos to Flickr. The whole set is here. It includes some sealions:
and of course tourists:
The Flickr set of the week is Jumping pictures, from Two loose trees.
pictures are ©Two loose trees.
Rake art, photographed from the air with a kite (click on the picture to see the whole set):
© Lenny. Via the always-excellent BLDGBLOG.