Tag: YouTube
I really am going to stop posting about the US elections soon, but this was kind of priceless:
The best bit is Bill O’Reilly trying to stick up for her.
[later edit]
And while I’m posting YouTube videos, here’s a bit of The Day Today that seems curiously relevant:
more talking starling.
cool video via Metafilter. ‘Here is a remake of the “Thriller” song that I’ve entirely recorded with my own voice, using 64 A’cappella tracks. There is therefore no instrument, synthetizer, beatbox, or even to sampler, but only the sound of my voice livened up with Reverb and slight Chorus on certain tracks.’
cool video
‘We can confidently plan to get evening good-light photographs of a town after we visit the local McCain office, because we know it will be closing by 5 pm, as the office in Wilmington, North Carolina was this past Sunday. The plan is, get to inevitably closed/closing McCain office, get an hour of photos near sunset, then visit the bustling local Obama office.’
Zombie Reagan speaks
I wonder what the legal ins and outs would be of the Obama campaign just running this video as a campaign ad?
In celebration of this very amusing put-down of President Bush, here’s a bit of the master himself:
via Dilated Choonz